I keep forgetting that I have Procrastitracker running, which kind of negates the purpose of Procrastitracker if I never check it. So I decided to check it out as a way to close out August.
My top two activites have been web browsing. Arc is a new-to-Windows browser popularized on MacOS, and I quite like it. It works a bit differently than every other browser in how it manages your tabs and such and while it take a bit of getting used to, I think it can help get things organized. It’s built on Chromium so it’s not super weird. As for MSEdge, well, I run Mastodon as a “web app” on my other monitor all day every day, so when I click a link from there, it auto-opens in Edge.
Surprising me, Blender takes spot #3. I just started back at it after a few weeks hiatus with a new project idea that PT says I have already been working on for five hours. Considering my progress, I’m impressed with myself!
Surprising no one, Guild Wars 2 takes spot #4, thanks to Janthir Wilds.
Visual Studio Code rolls into #5, although I have not made much progress in anything I’ve tried to do, development-wise. I keep trying, though!
Landing at Pad #6 is Star Citizen, thanks to the public test universe. That cargo ain’t gonna move itself! At least, not yet.
Since I had been in Star Citizen lull, I played enough Elite Dangerous to allow it to reach the #7 spot. That only lasted as long as it took me to patch Star Citizen up to the test server code.
I don’t know why Explorer — Windows’ desktop shell — is listed as #8, although it also counts File Explorer so maybe that’s it?
Note-taking app Obsidian is #9. I have been bouncing between my development and Blender notes this month, so…
And #10 is Creatures of Ava which, I am sad to say, I had forgotten about in the rush to Star Citizen’s PTU and the release of Janthir this month.
Everything else listed is a mix of games I thought I wanted to play or which I haven’t spent enough time with, ancillary development tools, or random apps and utilities that PT registered on my way to other apps.